Virtual coffee – the new coffee house is at home!

With the advent of social distancing meeting for a coffee is not possible at the moment. That doesn’t mean we should stop interacting though.


I have met some great new people and had some fantastic discussions. If you would like to meet for a virtual coffee, either comment on this post or get in touch on the contact page.

Tamarind Tree Consulting

New Ltd company in Lancashire

I am delighted to announce that Tamarind Tree Consulting has become a Ltd company. My aim remains to help and support profitable and sustainable growth in the north through process excellence. Tamarind Tree Consulting Ltd will continue to provide the same high standards of quality, process improvement, and management mentoring consultancy that my customers have enjoyed from Tamarind Tree Consulting.

These are exciting times for Tamarind Tree Consulting Ltd, if you want someone to support and guide you to improved business performance through outstanding customer service, please get in touch for a coffee and a chat, with no obligation.


Tamarind Tree Consulting

Why is my business called Tamarind Tree Consulting?

I am sometimes asked where the name ‘Tamarind Tree Consulting’ comes from.

When I first decided to set up my own business, I was going through a redundancy process. I had considered working for myself before and had thought about what I could do, but I never had the courage to do it. So here we were, with the perfect opportunity for me to start my own business, my wife agreed and I had decided to be brave and set up on my own, but what should I call it?

My wife had arranged for us to go away for a weekend break in Spain and one evening after a few beers we were trying to find a name for my new business, we kept coming up with names, checking if the names were taken at companies house, and finding other businesses already had the name we had thought of. As I was looking for inspiration on the internet I came across an article about the Tamarind Tree, and it was perfect.

For those who don’t know there is is only one species of Tamarind tree. It is a single species and genus, otherwise called a monotypic taxon (thanks Wikipedia!) with no variants, and as I thought about that it occurred to me that despite the many different views of continuous improvement, the aim and objective of continuous improvement is always the same; to improve product or service quality, reduce the time taken to provide the product or service and to achieve this at the lowest cost possible. In short, just as there is only one Tamarind tree, continuous improvement always has the same objective.

I read more, the seeds of the Tamarind tree are used all around the world in cuisines from many different countries. Continuous improvement is applied in many different businesses and cultures, always tailored to the requirements of the business, but using the tools of continuous improvement to give just the right flavour to the business. As I explained this to my wife she was nodding, which is always a great sign!

I then thought about what you might use the wood of the Tamarind tree for, so I looked it up. Tamarind wood is a very hard and strong wood, often used for making furniture. Using Tamarind wood to make a strong framework, the alignment with continuous improvement becomes obvious. The tools and techniques of CI are used to create a strong framework within a business, making a strong platform for growth and development.

Add in the management tools and framework present in ISO9001 and the CQI competence framework and you have a structure that works. The only remaining question is this: can I use the name? We searched the companies house website and the name was clear. Fantastic, I had my business name and a sound logic behind choosing the name, there was only one thing left to do, have another beer to celebrate 🙂