Mission, Vision, Values
MissionWhy does this business exist?
Tamarind Tree Consulting Ltd has been created to support sustainable performance improvement of business partners through applying the principles and practice of customer-focused process improvement
VisionWhat does this business do?
Tamarind Tree Consulting Ltd provides a partnership consulting service which supports business growth and increased effectiveness by teaching employees at all levels continuous improvement thinking and techniques, and mentoring implementation to become business as usual.
ValuesHow will this business do its work?
Respect for the supply chain:
- Work with supply chain partners to deliver what the end customer values, ensuring the process is sustainable
Honesty and Integrity:
- Present the facts, and deliver an objective interpretation of the available information which is driven by sustainable improvement.
- Identify the culture, activities, resources, processes and timescales required to realise the best possible business future.
Go to the process to find the facts:
- Work with first-hand facts and information, not another person’s interpretation of what is happening. The only way to be sure is to see it for yourself.
Scientific Method:
- Identify what you think happens, test this theory in the real world, then using statistically valid and reliable evidence determine if the facts are aligned with the theory.
- Understand what all the partners in a project need to be successful, then work together to deliver as much of that as possible.