Industrial Processes
I have worked with a broad range of industries and processes, which has granted me insights into many types of problems and solutions. I can focus this experience on your problem to help you find solutions and improve your process effectiveness.
Formulation Chemistry
Having worked in chemistry labs formulating water based dispersions for paper and adhesive industries, I have a good understanding of the design requirements of formulation chemistry. However, I am also a lean six sigma master black belt with extensive practical experience of applying Design of Experimnents techniques in formulation. If you need support to determine how to optimise your formulation, I can design the experiments and work with the laboratory teams to run the experiments. When I work with your team, I also ensure there are no additional unintended variables added to the design.
Research and Development Process
Research and development can sometimes appear to be an exercise in waiting for inspiration.
I have managed R&D functions in a number of organisations. I can work with your team to develop a staged process with gated reviews to ensure that developments are reviewed for both technical and commercial viability. I am also well versed in innovation methodologies and have applied them in a practical environment.
Analytical Techniques
I have hands-on experience of a wide range of analytical techniques. I have worked as a bench chemist for many years, which has given me a thorough understanding of analytical techniques from gravimetric analysis to instrumental analysis. My knowledge and experience is validated as a chartered chemist and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Coating Process Analysis
Having worked as a Technical Manager and Director within print and coatings for 17 years, I have a great deal of experience identifying the critical features of a substrate in web processing. During this time I also learned much about the equipment requirements for running a web, drying a printed or coated surface and abatement of solvent.
Coating Defect Analysis
I have a great deal of experience analysing the root cause of coating defects and specifying the process modifications and checks required to ensure conformance. Experience of the practical applicaiton of measurement systems analysis allows me to ensure that the measuremetn systems in use are valid and reliable.