There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.Colin Powell
Business Management Systems
Every business has systems to manage and control their processes. Tamarind Tree Consulting Ltd has experience of generating and implementing paper and electronic systems designed to enhance and work with your business processes. Tamarind Tree Consulting Ltd can work with you to ensure your systems support you and avoid you working for your systems.
ISO9001:2015 Assessment
Tamarind Tree Consulting Ltd can support your ISO9001:2015 project in a number of ways.
Whether you are just starting, or you need support to transition to the new standard, I can carry out an objective assessment of where you are now compared to the standard
ISO9001:2015 Auditing
Is auditing your system or suppliers too much for you to do? One effective way to manage this demand is to outsource it. We can agree a schedule for auditing, which gives you control of both cost and quality.
I have over 20 years auditing experience, including internal and external auditing.
ISO9001:2015 Integration
Having set up control systems to integrate ISO9001, ISO14001 and CWA14641, I have experience of integrating systems to meet diverse requirements.
Other requirements can be built in as required.
ISO14001:2015 Assessment
Tamarind Tree Consulting Ltd can support your ISO14001:2015 project in a number of ways.
Whether you are just starting, or need support to transition to the new standard, I can carry out an objective assessment of where you are now compared to the standard
ISO14001:2015 Auditing
I have previously managed ISO14001 compliance in an IPPC Part A2 environment, involving volatile solvents and potentially explosive components. I can evaluate your system, helping you identify opportunities for improvement
ISO14001:2015 Integration
Having set up control systems to integrate ISO9001, ISO14001 and CWA14641, I have experience of integrating systems to meet diverse requirements.
Other requirements can be built in as required.
Other Standards
Other quality standards can be used providing they apply Annex SL. Annex SL provides a consistent framework for all ISO Standards. This gives a common set of headings under which to frame the system requirements.
I have experience of implementing a quality system to this standard. This standard is for the application of quality systems in graphic technology, specifically for the management of security printing processes
ISO/IEC 800789-34
I have experience of implementing a quality system to this standard. This standard is for the application of quality systems for equipment manufactured for explosive atmospheres
Other Standards
If you need support implementing or auditing any other standard, please let me know and I will review the requirements and advise what I can do.